This is my blog to document the completion of my list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days.
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities. friend of mine from high school created a blog where his list is posted to complete. When I saw this, it was the first time I had heard of the day zero challenge. It really got me thinking about things I want to do so, needed to do and needed to accomplish/finish. So I decided that I am going to create/complete this list. My starting date is 8/15/09 as my list is now complete. This makes my ending date 5/11/12.
Items that have been completed will be in Blue. Items in progress will be italicized. I will also be posting about each item as I complete it, or am working towards completing it. :)
1. post weekly to stamping blog
2. catch up Grace's Scrapbook
3. catch up Madelyn's Scrapbook
4. start and keep up with Brooke's scrapbook
5. start and keep up with Dakota's scrapbook
6. finish sihoulette portrait of Grace and Madelyn
7. make each kid a halloween costume
8. have christmas cards made by nov 1
9. make bday cards for everyone in my family (15 members throught out this process)
10. learn 5 photo editing techniques with PhotoShop
11. finish the kids mural
12. finish the name projects 0/3
13. sell on of my creations
14. get of on my creations published in a magazine
15. Help Matt make a Daddy/Daughter pg for each scrapbook
16. blog day zero challenge
17. learn to crochet or knit (both?)
18. make a quilt
19. finish girls bedding project
20. enter gingerbread house contest
21. buy canvas' for each girl and let them creatively paint as they wish - display in home
Family22. have a family game night once a week 0/143
23. go geo caching with kids 0/5
24. go to an indoor waterpark
25. go on a family vacation to Canada
26. buy a camper
27. take a family camping trip
28. celebrate the true meaning of christmas incorporation our traditions
29. Madelyn's special day with parents 0/2
30. Grace's special day with parents 0/2
31. Dakota's special day with parents 0/2
32. Brooke's special day with parents 0/2
33. Move the twins into their own bedroom
34. go to visit an aqurium
35. Have Madelyn and Grace serve at a soup kitchen durning the holidays with Matt and I
36. Go Green - minimum of 5 things to help the environment
37. participate in operation christmas child 0/2
38. have all handmade christmas
39. place something on freecycle monthly
40. go to the Carousel Dinner Theatre with Matt
41. learn to shoot a gun and go hunting with Matt
42. Date Night' 0/30
43. see a broadway play with Matt
44. go paintballing
45. cook a fancy dinner for 2
46. complete the love dare
Home47. Create a filing system and catch up on all filing
48. put my laundry away after each wash
49. have a yard same spring/summer '10
50. purge for yard sale
51. put flowers in my flowerbeds
52. back up photos/files monthly 0/33
53. declutter my kitchen (get rid of the stacks)
54. paint every room in the house
55. Build the 'well' to go over the well
56. melaluca-nize our home
57. create a realistic cleaning schedule
Cooking58. make a special fondant cake for matt and each child 0/5
59. learn to make 10 commonly prepackaged foods homemade
60. find 5 fish dishes that the family likes 0/5
61. bake 1 new cookie recipe each month 0/30
62. make homemade doughnuts
63. make/jar applesauce
64. make/jar applebutter
65. try 1 new recipe per week 0/143
66. introduce 10 new fruit/veggies to meals
67. use the crockpot everyday for 1 wk
Personal68. get down to 125 lbs
69. once weight is lost - wear a bikini again
70. once weight is lost - get belly button pierced
71.take a multivitamin daily
72. learn a line dance even if that means take a lesson
73. create a cookbook of my recipes to pass onto my kids
74. meet a dork sister
75. make another attempt to contact my biological father
76. go to my dad's grave
77. spend more time with my mom
78. volunteer - still deciding
79. set a christmas budget and stick to it
80. read the bible
81. Get a Pedicure
82. Send a just because card 0/20
83. Support Ohio farmers - got to each pick your own patch in Geauga County 0/6
84. Do hair and make up weekly 0/143
85. finish one complete cycle of 90X
86. ecome more frugal
87. get eyebrows waxed monthly
88. visit the dentist and get the dreaded rootcanal done
89. read the twilight series (I guess I need to know what all the hype is about) 0/4
90. pay for a person meal after me in the drive through
91. donate blood
92. no pop - 1 month
93. participate in post crossing 0/15
94. do Aflec papework
95. do something speical with my mom - my treat
96. read the books that I bought that are waiting to be read
97. get clairnet revamped for Madelyn
98. Learn how to use my Dad's 35mm camera
99. tip a great waiter/waitress 100%
100. do a digital scrapbook about this challenge
101.create a new list