Thursday, October 15, 2009

I did it! I used the crock pot everyday for 1 week (minus 1 day - we have leftover day in our house).
These are the dishes I made:
-roasted turkey
-roasted chicken
-shaghetti sauce
-pulled pork
-pot roast

This project actually made my life much easier last week - I threw the stuff in and left it alone - it made this week hard for planning what to make for dinner cause I am cooking again. I think the part that is hard is the fact that I knew I was using the crockpot all week, I knew I was throwing things in and leaving them - So I preplanned!! Preplanning is the key here - every other day I am thinking at noon - shoot I still have to get something out for dinner!! I think I have some options here - I know of OMAC (once a month cooking) that I think will be a new challenge for me on my next list :)

1 comment:

One Picky Family said...

I know I need to plan meals too, but I just don't like to. Insert whiney face here...